Monday, August 5, 2013

How to Clean Topaz & Gold Jewelry

While it is a good idea to get your jewelry professionally cleaned once in a while, it can also be expensive. Cleaning your jewelry at home in between professional cleanings is a good way to cut back on that expensive. While gold does not tarnish, it does get dull and grimy from oils and grease on the skin. Rings tend to get very dirty because they are located on the hands. Luckily, cleaning gold jewelry at home is easy to do.



    Fill a small bowl with warm water. Add a squirt of mild liquid dish washing soap and mix the soap into the water. Fill a second bowl with clean water and set aside.


    Submerge the ring into the bowl, and let it sit in the soapy water for about 15 to 20 minutes.


    Dab a bit of the dish washing liquid onto a toothbrush. Pick the ring up out of the water, and gently scrub it with the toothbrush.


    Rinse the ring in the clean water in the second bowl and resume scrubbing with the toothbrush if the gold is still cloudy or the topaz still has dirt on it. Make sure you get under the gemstone, on the inside of the ring. Most rings have cutouts there to let the light help the gemstone sparkle, but those cutouts also attract a lot of dirt and grime.


    Rinse the ring in clean water and let it air dry, or pat it dry with a soft towel.


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