Friday, June 28, 2013

How to Remove Stainless-Steel Links From Watches

When purchasing a stainless-steel watch, chances are the metal watchband will not fit properly on your wrist and will need to be adjusted. There's no need to get it resized by a professional. Many band links are held together with pins that can be easily removed with some basic household items.



    Place the watch around your wrist and count how many links need to be removed for a proper fit. Search for small arrows stamped on the underside of the watchband. These arrows indicate the direction the pins need to be pushed out of the band.


    Place the watch on a towel to avoid damaging your work surface. Make sure the watch is placed with the arrows pointed downward.


    Insert a thumb tack or push pin into the pin hole, following the direction of the arrows. With a small rubber hammer, firmly push the band pin through to the opposite side.


    Pull the pin out with needle-nose pliers and save the pin.


    Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 to remove the other pin in the link. Once the second pin is free, the link can be removed.


    Put the watchband back together by reconnecting the links on the band and aligning the pin holes. Pins must be reinserted in the band in the opposite direction of the arrows, so flip the watchband over so the arrows are pointed upward. Using a thumb tack or push and a rubber hammer, push one of the pins into the pin hole and carefully hammer into place.


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