There is nothing mystical about the technology behind the mood ring; it was first utilized in the 1970s, and it is used in LCD monitors today. In a mood ring, liquid crystals lay under a protective sheath; they heat and cool in response to changes in the temperature of the wearer's skin. This temperature difference modifies the arrangement of the crystals in the ring and causes the absorption of different wavelengths of light, leading to color changes.
Color Meanings
Without the color change, a mood ring would not be very interesting. What do these different colors mean? They correspond to different temperatures of the human body, as interpreted by the designer of the ring. A violet-blue color is triggered by a higher than normal skin temperature, which is thought to be caused when a person is romantic or extremely happy. Blue results from a cooler temperature, representing calmness and a more subtle happiness. A yellow color supposedly reveals anxiety or nerves, both of which can cause the skin to feel clammy and cool. Black can mean one of two things: a very cold surface body temperature or that it's time to get a new ring.
The designer of the ring calibrates the crystal to reflect the different emotions with colors. Green is chosen as the baseline for most mood rings, representing a skin temperature of 82 F. Anything above or below that temperature will change the color of the ring.
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