Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How to Inspect a Diamond Ring

A diamond lasts forever but the ring mount does not. Over time the soft gold prongs can wear away, get bent or break off, leaving your diamond susceptible to diamond loss. Diamond rings should be inspected every six months for wear and damage. Fixing a diamond ring mount is much cheaper than replacing an irreplaceable diamond.



    Remove your ring, if possible.


    Clean your ring using jewelry cleaning solution or a mild solution of ammonia, dish soap and warm water. Use an old toothbrush to get under the prongs and the underside of the diamond.


    Dry the ring thoroughly with a lint-free cloth.


    Inspect the main diamond using a jewelry loupe. Hold the loupe against your cheek and keeping one eye open, bring the ring close to the loupe until it comes into focus. Your hands will be very close together.


    Examine the diamond's prongs closely from the side. Are they thinning? There should be a significant lump on top of the diamond.


    View the diamond from above. Are the prongs fully covering the edge of the diamond? Over time, the prongs will recede; only touching the very edge of the diamond.


    Pick at the main diamond with a metal dental pick or with a sharp object. Does the light flicker? That means your diamond might be loose in the setting. Check again, seeing if you can detect any movement.


    Use the pick on the side diamonds and channel set accent stones. Make sure there is no movement and that the diamonds are secure within the setting.


    Take your diamond to a certified jeweler if you detect any damage or extensive wear. Only qualified jewelry repair technicians should repair your ring.


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