Wednesday, September 24, 2014

About Blue Colored Diamonds

Blue diamonds are featured in some of the most captivating diamond lore, from the Heart of the Ocean in the movie "Titanic" to the "cursed" Hope Diamond to the famous Koh-i-Nur. Something about these blue gems captures the eye and the attention of the world.

Chemical Impurity

    Colored diamonds are typically less valuable than clear diamonds because the color represents chemical impurities that infiltrated the diamond during formation.


    Boron is the chemical element that bonds with carbon and renders the diamond slightly blue. There is a limited number of chemicals that can infiltrate a diamond and thus a limited number of shades.

Reduced Strength

    Because of the chemical impurities that detract from a diamond's pure carbon structure, colored diamonds don't possess the unsurpassed strength of clear diamonds.

Color Grade

    Diamonds are graded on a D-Z scale, with Z a light yellow. Blue diamonds are beyond this scale and called "fancy" diamonds.


    Factors of a blue diamond's value include its color intensity--more intense is more valuable--clarity and size.


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