Sunday, May 6, 2018

How to Match Gem Stones with Eye Color

Matching your jewelry with your attire is essential in creating a stunning and attractive look. An often-overlooked area to explore when deciding upon a jewelry color is the way the stones will match the eyes of the individual, a pairing most important for jewelry such as earrings, which hang in close proximity to the eyes. Matching gems to eyes is not as easy as simply picking gems that are the same color, however, as often the best match comes in finding complementary hues for the eyes.



    Match greenish-gray eyes with bright green-colored stones. Stones like turquoise, alexandrite or bright green garnet will match with these eyes exceptionally well.


    Match hazel eyes with dark earth-colored stones. The best possible match for hazel eyes is a stone like a dark-colored amber.


    Match golden eyes with stones that have golden or orange hues. Golden stones include such stones as a gold topaz, whereas stones like an orange jacinth are ideal for pairing with eyes that sparkle around orange colors.


    Match blue eyes with stones that are orange or gold in hue, as opposed to blue stones, which many are naturally inclined to pair with blue eyes. Opal, zircon and orange coral stones all look very attractive on those with piercing blue eyes.


    Match those with very light blue-gray, or "icy," eyes with transparent stones. Diamonds are a popular match, though pale blue topaz or aquamarine stones or pale green chrysolite also match well.


    Highlight dark brown or black eyes by matching them with stones that have a bright and vibrant color. Stones such as coral, emerald or turquoise provide excellent contrast to dark eyes.


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