Wednesday, November 1, 2017

How to Care for Ruby Jewelry

Ruby is the birthstone for the month of July and has long been considered a good luck stone. Rubies can be placed on necklaces, rings, bracelets and other fine jewelry. Most ruby gems are small, but they are still one of the most expensive gemstones. If you own any ruby jewelry, you should know that it is simple to care for.



    Remove ruby jewelry before any heavy lifting or yard work. Rubies are delicate gems and are susceptible to breakage.


    Use a commercial solvent to clean ruby jewelry. The cleaner typically comes with a soft bristled brush that can be used to scrub the jewelry. Warm soapy water can be used if you do not have a solvent available.


    Rinse any cleaners away with warm water. Pat the jewelry dry with a soft towel.


    Soak rubies in alcohol or vodka overnight to remove any debris. This is effective for hard-to-remove dirt that can not be eliminated with a fine jewelry cleaner.


    Wipe down the jewelry with a soft cloth after wearing. This helps remove any oils or salts that have been transferred to the rubies.


    Store the ruby jewelry in a cloth or plastic bag. Keeping the jewelry stored in this manner will ensure that it stays clean and undamaged for a long time.


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