Sunday, July 22, 2018

How to Attach a Cameo

Originating in Egypt around 300 B.C., cameo jewelry is available in a wide variety of materials, colors, images and sizes. A cameo is a piece of jewelry depicting an image that is usually the face of a woman in profile. In times past, profiles of women who had sentimental value to the wearer were used. Today, most cameos are worn for aesthetic and not sentimental reasons. There are essentially two types of cameos that will need to be attached to another material to be worn: A cameo with a pin mechanism on the back and a pendant cameo.


Attach a Pin Cameo


    Open the pin mechanism on the back of your cameo. Make sure you know how it opens, closes and how it is clasped so the pin doesn't slip. Open and close it once or twice for practice.


    Carefully place the pin in the fabric you wish to attach it to at the place you wish to attach it.


    Gather approximately 1/2-inch of fabric on the pin and then poke the pin through the fabric a second time so the point comes through to the fabric's front side. Place the pin in its mechanism's latch and close it.

Attach a Pendant Cameo


    Choose the material you want to attach the pendant to. If it is a metal chain, make sure the chain is small enough to fit through the loop. If it is a piece of string, make it is not too thin. You can also use a piece of ribbon.


    Take the end of your material and slide it through the loop at the top of your cameo.


    Tie or clasp your material so the cameo does not fall off. If you are using string or ribbon, you can tie the ends together with a simple knot. If you are using a chain, you will have to clasp the mechanism together.


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